APPLY NOW - NuSec Personal Development Grants
Are you a Researcher working in Nuclear Security Science at a University, Research Establishment, or a Company within the UK?
Do you need funding to attend a Nuclear Security related Research Conference, Training Course, or an Industrial Placement within or outside of the UK?
Will your proposed activities strengthen your research and innovation capacity or enable new collaborations in Nuclear Security Science?
If have answered Yes to all 3 questions, then please consider applying for a NuSec Personal Development Grants (PDG) of up to £1,000 . 50% match funding is usually required except for Early Career Researchers.
Please also note that closing date for all NuSec PDG Applications is now one month before the start date of the proposed personal development activity.
Applicants will be informed of a decision usually within 1-2 weeks of their Application submission.
2022 Nuclear Security conferences that would be appropriate for a NuSec PDG award include:-
NuFor: Nuclear Forensics, Institute of Physics London, 11-13 October 2022
*IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD), 5 – 12 November 2022, Milano, Italy NB The additional application criteria for this event
Applied Radiation Metrology, NPL, Teddington 21-25 November 2022
For further details, download our NuSec PDG Guidance Notes which include our PDG Assessment Criteria and a PDG Application Form
Please submit completed PDG Application Form to