
20 October 2021

NuSec Recent Achievements and Current Funding & Networking Opportunities

Our 2020/2021 Achievements and 2021-2022 Funding & Networking opportunities are summarised in our fifth Annual Newsletter 

Notable current NuSec Funding & Research opportunities include :-


1 October 2021

OPEN INVITATION - NuSec Funded Research Technical Workshop, 3rd Nov 2021

You are invited to attend our  NuSec funded research workshop on the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd November 2021, at the Wellcome Collection, London either on line or in person.

The workshop will bring together the cohort of NuSec-funded PhD students and other researchers who have…

29 July 2021

A successful working lunch

Our inaugural Zoom lunchtime Seminar took place on Wednesday 28th July 2021, 1-2pm and was attended by over 45 participants.

Two short talks were presented on X -ray Luminescence of CuInS/ZnS Quantum Dot Loaded Plastic Scintillators and Mathematical and Computational…

8 July 2021

NuSec Network Lunchtime Seminars

We are delighted to invite you to our inaugural Lunchtime Seminar on Wednesday 28th July 2021, 1-2pm.

We have two interesting short talks on X-ray Luminescence of CuInS/ZnS Quantum Dot Loaded Plastic Scintillators and Mathematical and Computational…