CALL - NuSec Summer 2023 Pilot Project Applications
February 2023
Applications must be e mailed to by Midday, Monday 17th April 22nd May 2023.
Decisions will be communicated to applicants by 31st May Early June 2023.
Following on from the success of our previous NuSec funded Summer Student pilot projects, we are delighted to announce a call for Summer 2023 pilot project applications.
Projects must be from the Natural Sciences and show the potential to enhance the field of nuclear security.
Projects could involve the development of an early research idea, a small proof of concept or a feasibility study for 2-3 months during Summer 2023.
Applications are welcome from researchers who are either working within UK universities, companies or government laboratories.
Collaborations are also welcomed between UK Universities, companies or government laboratories.
We will fund 5 projects up to a maximum of £4,000 each.
For further information on How to Apply please download the adjacent Guidance Notes and Application form.
For details of previous NuSec Network funded Summer Pilot Projects please click here
Please e mail if you have any questions.