Reopened - NNSA UK-US Research Collaboration Grants
December 2023
This collaborative grant program aims to support UK researchers working in Nuclear Security topics.
These program funds UK researchers working in areas of nuclear security and non-proliferation for collaborative work with US researchers only who are part of the NNSA ETI, MTV and NSSC consortia or DoD/DTRA University Research Alliances. They provide financial support for a range of activities including postdoctoral research, mobility and skills training that involve both UK and US researchers working on a range of Nuclear Security topics, including:-
- Machine learning and big data challenges
- Advanced detection methods for nuclear fuel cycle monitoring
- Radiation Detection, including detector development, digital pulse processing, and new materials for radiation detectors
- Novel imaging techniques, including compact gamma and neutron imaging systems, cosmic ray muon imaging of large objects, and real-time CT imaging methods
- Robotics and remote inspection technologies
- Additive Manufacturing for non-proliferation technologies
The involvement of a collaborating US partner is essential.
A range of funding can be requested through these grants, including:
- Undergraduate student interns/summer research projects, up to £3,203 max. project cost (based on SEPNET Stipend rate for 8 week placement
- Research visits up to £10,000 max. project cost
- Conferences and Training activities up to £2,000 max. project cost
- Postdoctoral research projects (PDRA), up to £50,000 max. project cost. PDRA grants can include normal FEC costs.
All awards will be made at 80% of the project cost.
All award activities must be completed no later than 31st March 2025, to comply with the NuSec Network final end-date stipulated by the STFC.
We welcome applications from UK researchers at Universities and Government laboratories.
For further information about the application process and eligibility please download our Research Collaboration Grant Guidance Notes and read our FAQs
To apply please download the Application Form.
Please e mail your completed Application Form and supporting documentation to 31st January 2024 by c.o.p. Friday 26th April 2024.
For details of our previous awards to date please click here