
10 February 2022

CALL for Applications - 2022 NuSec Summer Pilot Projects

Following the success of our previous Summer Student NuSec Pilot Projects,  we are delighted to issue a new call for Summer 2022 Nuclear Security Pilot Project…

30 November 2021

Our first NuSec UK – US Collaboration Grant Award Success

Our first NuSec UK – US Collaboration Grant Travel Award was completed by an Oxford Researcher earlier this month.

Our NuSec grant enabled them to travel to the US and deliver a face-to-face presentation of High Repetition Data Research to an international audience at the…

9 November 2021

A 1st class Hybrid Workshop

Our first Hybrid NuSec Technical Workshop was held at the Wellcome Collection, London on Wednesday 3rd November 2021, 2-4pm. Over 50 delegates attended in person and online.

Five short presentations were given by NuSec funded PhD & summer pilot projects students on the next-generation…

20 October 2021

NuSec Recent Achievements and Current Funding & Networking Opportunities

Our 2020/2021 Achievements and 2021-2022 Funding & Networking opportunities are summarised in our fifth Annual Newsletter 

Notable current NuSec Funding & Research opportunities include :-
