NuSec Personal Development Grants Scheme

February 2020

This award scheme is aimed at strengthening the research and innovation capacity of Nuclear Security Scientists and developing new collaborations between researchers and partner organisations.

It is open to researchers based either at a University, Research Establishment or a Company within the UK and will support activities such as attending research conferences, industrial placements or attending training courses.

Over the past 7 years,  the NuSec Network has awarded 32 Personal Developments Grants (PDG)  to researchers  at UK Universities totalling around £32,000, to support attendance and collaborations at Nuclear Security Science events and courses in the USA , Europe and Australia and UK field research. For further details click here

Our normal grant award is up  80% of a maximum of £1,000 FEC but exceptional requests of up to £2,000 of FEC project costs will be considered.

The closing date for all NuSec PDG Applications is now 1 month before the start date of the proposed personal development activity.

Applicants will be informed of a decision usually within 1 - 2 weeks from the date of submission.

For further details, please  click on download button (above) to view the latest NuSec PDG Guidance Notes  which include our PDG Assessment Criteria and a PDG Application Form.

Please submit completed PDG Application Form to

Receipt of your application will be confirmed via an email from the NuSec network within 3 working days.

If you do not receive an email within 3 days confirming receipt of your submission, then please please e mail

Please help promote our PDG awards by circulating this Poster  to your  colleagues and read  details of our previous awards.

IMPORTANT - PDG Applications for IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD), Tampa, Florida,  26th October 2024 – 2nd November 2024  

Students are normally expected to apply apply for the IEEE student conference scholarship to cover their registration fee.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, though the final closing final for applications is 26th September 2024 . Applicants will be informed of a decision usually within a couple of 1-2 weeks from the date of submission. NB Additional criteria apply for this Conference grant, please read our NuSec PDG guidance for further details.


Please e mail a completed PDG Application Form to