Nuclear Security Sciences Network Privacy Notice

The Nuclear Security Sciences Network (NuSec) collects and holds your personal data for the purposes of registering to access the full NuSec website; requesting to be on our mailing list or registering for our events on We would like to inform you how the NuSec Network manages your personal data in connection with our information and communication services.

This statement sets out how we use and protect any information that we collect about you when you register on this website or interact with our email and events services. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain personal information, please be assured that it will only be used in accordance with our privacy notice. We may update this notice from time to time.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data is the Nuclear Security Science Network, an STFC funded 21st Century Challenges project, which is managed by the University of Surrey.

We process your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on Personal Data Protection and all other relevant laws, assuming legitimate interest in the data you provide us with.

In case of any questions, please get in touch: 

Lisa Fletcher, NuSec Network Administrator Email:, 0r Tel:  01483 684198 or FAO Lisa Fletcher, University of Surrey, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Department of Physics, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH

Why is the NuSec Network processing your personal data and what is the purpose and legal basis of such processing?

The purpose is to provide a networking exchange for Nuclear Security Science, to generate knowledge, and to generate practical impact. When you interact with us, or subscribe to our services (e.g. events and newsletters) we process personal information for certain legitimate purposes, which include some or all of the following:

Whenever we process data for these purposes we will ensure that we always respect and maintain your personal data rights. You have the right to object to this processing if you wish, by contacting . Please bear in mind that if you object this will impact our ability to communicate with you, e.g. we will cease sending you e mails, you will not be notified directly of our events or funding opportunities.

When and how is the NuSec Network collecting data?


The NuSec network currently holds your name, organisation email address and (and for some of you your job title) to share news about our and our partners events, funding and training opportunities. 

We keep the NuSec network updated through regular emails. For you to receive our emails we rely solely on the information you provide when subscribing to this service. (Name, email address, job title, organisation). Your email address is vital for the delivery of this service. These details are necessary to better understand the professional contexts of our growing network, to help us understand and enhance the effectiveness and relevance of our outreach and network building activities. We may use these details to filter subscribers and to send tailored invitations to events.

You can unsubscribe from our email service at any time by emailing

Event registration

For event management purposes, we ask you to submit the following information when you sign up for one of our events on name, email address, professional affiliation (organisation and role). All details are submitted on a voluntary basis but are necessary for the successful running of our events. We ask for your email details to keep you informed about the event you registered for. We ask for professional affiliations to better understand the professional contexts of our growing network and enhance the relevance of our events. For networking purposes, we will at some events make a list of attendees (with name and professional affiliation) available in print format.

The information you provide us is stored on the Eventbrite servers, and on a secure cloud storage service, hosted by the University of Surrey. Using secure transfer protocols, the data can be viewed by authorised people on the NuSec Network to analyse the participation in our events, to send event reminders and follow up information.

Please see the Eventbrite data policy website to find out more about how Eventbrite collects and stores your information.

Throughout the website we include links to other websites. Pages with this embedded content may present cookies from these websites over which we have no control. You should check the relevant third party website for more information about how these cookies are controlled.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the above points or the practices of this website, please contact us at:

Lisa Fletcher, NuSec Network Administrator Email: or Tel:  01483 684198 or  FAO Lisa Fletcher, University of Surrey, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Department of Physics, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH.




Produced 31 May 2018